This is a small set of warm-up exercises I hope to expand over time. For now, it includes the following:
These exercises (as some of the titles indicate) draw on works such as Reichert's daily exercises and Philippe Bernold's vocalises, sometimes stretching out to more contemporary tonal ideas. The basic concept, though, remains the same. These exercises should always be played with a very open and wide tone, corresponding to an open, carefree mind and wide and flexible body. Leave your worries about all the minute nuances of your tone for later stages of your practice session. Try not to be too much "in control". In these exercises it is okay, and perhaps even recommended that your tone remains slightly uncontrolled and "untamed", focusing on a healthy, but unforced airstream. Mostly, engage your imagination and concentrate on the tonal experience. Listen carefully how each melody modulates from one key to another, and pay attention to the feelings and associations that this evokes within you.